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The Best Membership Plugins for WordPress: Create a Perfectly Functional Membership Site

The Best Membership Plugins for WordPress

CMS is an abbreviation for a Content Management System. It refers to any solution that allows classification, organization, linking, and any other form of content editing. One of the main things about a CMS like WordPress is formatting it into whatever online solution is needed. The days when WordPress was just a blogging platform are behind us.

WordPress initially could create users of different levels of control. It makes a perfect solution for subscription sites and emphasizes providing content and resources for a fee. Within WordPress, users can be assigned multiple roles, just like game pieces, but all together, they make one complete piece.

Roles Assigned to the Users

The administrator (Admin) has the central role. Of course, the owner of this role can do whatever he wants with the system. But because of that, the administrator should be the only person responsible for the site itself.

An editor is a person who is assigned to write and publish articles or open and change existing reports for editing purposes.

An author is a person who has a role in writing an article and publishing it. Since a person can post an article independently without admin permission, it is good to trust that person truly.

On the other hand, a contributor is a person who can write an article but cannot publish it. Admin can confirm (accept) or reject his article.

Subscriber has no right to change the page itself. Subscribers can comment on your content, but only if you make it possible for people to register on your site and, that way, become subscribers.

If you work with any site in WordPress, we recommend you to read this list of membership plugins and consider using some that will suit you the best. This list includes plugins with many useful features and unique solutions that you will surely love to apply.

1. Members – Membership & User Role Editor Plugin

If you are unfamiliar with the PHP programming language, then try your best to avoid it. Instead of that, you can use the WordPress plugin to add new users. For example, to add a new user with a custom role, you can use the WordPress plugin “Members – Membership & user role editor plugin,” one of the more popular add-ons for managing users and roles in WordPress.

After installing this plugin, you can create user accounts for your co-workers, colleagues, etc.; with this add-on, you can easily assign them roles on the page that belong to them. Also, you can add new default user role options for new users who sign in to WordPress if you need to. In just a few steps, a new user role will be added using the plugin.

You can also use this plugin to block permissions, control the privacy and personal data, control which users have admin role, create a hierarchical roles system, ACF and EDD integrations, Meta Box and WooCommerce Integration, and much more.

2. Ultimate Membership Pro – WordPress Membership Plugin

The Ultimate Membership Pro WordPress Plugin was not named solely for marketing purposes. This plugin is the ultimate in terms of its features. Further, read just some of the options that it includes:

You can also create multiple levels, partial content restrictions, restricted pages, create custom account pages, built-in integrations, and the list goes on and on. So, no matter what type of membership site you are trying to develop, the Ultimate Membership Pro WordPress Plugin should seamlessly meet your expectations.

3. SureMembers

SureMembers is a powerful WordPress membership plugin designed to create membership sites with a simple easy-to-use interface. Whether you're selling content, downloadable files, or online courses, SureMembers has got you covered. With easy paywall creation, content drip feed, and custom access rules, managing your memberships has never been easier.

SureMembers Key Features:

Also, SureMembers has seamless integration with SureCart and SureTriggers that supercharges your online business. Get started with SureMembers today!

4. ProfilePress – Modern WordPress Membership Plugin

ProfilePress WordPress membership plugin is designed to create paid membership sites, sell digital products, and restrict access to WordPress content. It also offers customizable user profiles, member directories, front-end login and registration forms, and seamless integration with multiple payment gateways, providing a robust solution for managing and monetizing your website.


Key features of the ProfilePress plugin:

5. WP Membership

WP Membership offers everything you would expect from a WordPress membership plugin. In addition, it is translatable for 11 languages! However, what makes it more unique than any other similar plugins is content protection management.

Features that stand out the most with this plugin are:

Also, you can find some additional features like creating coupons, page redirecting, user welcome e-mail templates. There is even: user forget password e-mail template, reports, payment history.

6. UserPro – Community and User Profile WordPress Plugin

Not all WordPress membership plugins are revenue-generating on your content. For example, UserPro – Community and User Profile WordPress plugin includes content restriction. But focuses on aspects of the community membership website.

Features offered by this plugin include:

There is also great integration with Paypal, WooCommerce, BuddyPress, MailChimp, and more.

7. Good LMS – Learning Management System WordPress Plugin

Unlike some previous WordPress membership plugins, the Good LMS – Learning Management System WordPress Plugin focuses on online mainly learning. With Good LMS, you can:

This WordPress plugin includes everything you need to develop an online education system, from payment and registration to quizzes and certificates. Can you believe it?


Using WordPress user roles, you can securely and efficiently collaborate with people. Even assign different access levels and your website's content. With the help of these plugins, you can define which actions users can and which actions cannot perform and group them into roles. There are some excellent practices that you should follow when deciding on setting user roles.

However, you must back up your WordPress site before making any changes. And also, it will be good to consider user privileges before assigning roles. Lastly, keep in mind that you always limit user roles and do not assign essential functions to suspicious users. Remember, not everyone has to be an admin!

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