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What To Look For In A Software Developer

Software Developer

Software development is maybe the most sought after skill in today's world. According to a research paper on the Canadian engineering labour market, the average employment estimate for software engineers will be on the rise in most provinces until 2025. Canadian companies are in need of software specialists and the average engineer can receive several unsolicited recruitment messages every year.

The fundamental reason behind this quick development is a vast increase in the need for PC programming, but while there is much demand, there isn't always an equal response. Not all software engineers are equal, and some will do a lot more for your organization than others.

Here are 5 things to look for in a software developer and engineer, so you can hire a leading software development firm more easily and with better results.

1.) They Love to Code
Just like many high-paying jobs, most people go into software development for the money. This may not take away from their talent and ability to do a good job, but the love for coding separates the good from the exceptional.

Great engineers dream about coding, and great developers dream about testing, documenting, and fixing bugs. If you give a great developer any kind of work, they’ll be able to treat it with care and passion, with their up-to-date skills and the endurance to put in unbelievable hours.

2.) They Understand What the Business is Striving to Achieve
Great engineers and developers are business conscious – they understand the end result of the organization and this takes the primary concern in their work. Mediocre engineers tend to spend a lot of time obsessing over little technicalities that make no difference in the larger picture, but exceptional developers and engineers know what is important to the client and what isn't.

3.) They Can Make Complex Ideas Simple
According to Jason Schwartz of Spotify, the best engineers are those who seek to simplify an idea, not make it more complicated. They can explain things in clear terms so that both a non-technical person and a fellow engineer can understand – the ability to communicate technical ideas simply is the mark of an experienced software developer or engineer.

4.) They Are Not Afraid to Debug and Fix Errors
One aspect of software development is that most engineers are averse to debugging and bug-fixing; mediocre programmers are even afraid to debug their own code. Exceptional engineers and developers, however, are quick to search tenaciously until they find the source of any bug.

5.) They are Not Easily Attached to their Work
Most programmers have a hard time letting go of a work that they have invested a lot of themselves in, even when there is evidence of a better approach. Occasionally, you will stumble on a great programmer that can work tirelessly on a code for months, but spares little time in letting it go when a better approach comes along.

Canadian companies may be in need of software engineers, but it is also important to find the best people for the job. Do some research, use these tips, and find an experienced software developer or engineer that will help you or your business.

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