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WordPress, Joomla, Modx, Magento. Overview of popular CMS in 2024

Wordpress, Joomla, Modx, Magento. Overview of popular CMS in 2024

A CMS is often a vital tool in creating in the operation of a variety of websites that serves various purposes in the organization and management of information contained within it. After purchasing the right Linux VPS hosting, you’ll probably face the need to opt for the right CMS as well. This choice can be daunting, especially if you are a beginner. Therefore, today we want to dedicate some attention to four major CMS and what you should consider when choosing between them in 2024.


WordPress has always been and remains one of the most widely used and most default content management systems, despite many years of changes and innovations. Here are some of the reasons why WordPress remains so popular to this day:

  1. Ease of use: WordPress has always been known for presenting its user with a transparent and intuitive interface, so practically any user could learn to use WordPress and get everything they need from it pretty fast.
  2. Extensive plugin system: The popularity of WordPress as well as its being free and open source was the reason why numerous plugins for it have been developed over time, allowing the users to extend its basic functionality in practically any direction. Add contact forms,  e-commerce functionality, SEO optimization, social media integration, and much more in the way that your see perfectly fit for your website.
  3. Flexibility: WordPress can be suited for most types of projects. While it may lack some of the more specific features that some other CMS offers, its configurability, its open-sourceness its variety of plugins, and its large and active community capable of providing support on any question, can in the majority of cases compensate for a lack of this or that feature. For this reason, WordPress is widely used for a wide range of websites, including blogs, portfolios, business websites, e-commerce stores, forums, and membership sites.


Another free and open-source CMS Joomla! may not have the same market share as WordPress, but is nevertheless extremely widely used as well due to a number of features that make it stand out. In particular:

  1. Well-balanced usability and customization: The reason why Joomla! is too so popular is the way in which it has combined user-friendliness and a broad range of customization options. You still don’t need to dive too deep into the subtleties of coding, but you can also access a variety of features straightaway.
  2. Flexibility and extensibility: Like Wordpess, Joomla! is also quite flexible and supports a large number of extensions. In addition to that, Joomla! provide particular customizability when it comes to templates. Joomla!’s template overrides will allow you to flexibility change the appearance and the layout of individual components and modules directly, without the need to edit core files.
  3. Suitability for different website types: Joomla! is quite universal regarding websites that it can run, so you will be able to easily deploy a personal blog, a business website, an e-commerce store, an online magazine, a community portal, and many more.


One more free and open source CMS, MODx, might be not so popular as previous ones, but nevertheless offers numerous features

  1. Usability for developers: While other CMS, particularly WordPress, focus on their accessibility to regular users, it doesn’t mean that they are also easy and convenient for developers, being often a bit cumbersome in this regard. MODx faces the problem from a different perspective and is considered by many developers a more convenient CMS.
  2. Performance and scalability: Lightweight and efficiency are primary priorities of MODx, resulting in high performance and scalability. MODx is built on a streamlined and modular system that doesn’t contain unnecessary features, providing its users with fast page loading and resilience under heavy traffic loads. When needed, MODx allows it to seamlessly grow and expand.
  3. Security and control: Security and control are particularly emphasized in MODx, granting you access to numerous tools and features for your website’s protection. In particular, these features include customizable user permissions, role-based access control, and secure coding practices.


While previous content management systems were general-purpose CMS for constructing any type of website, Magento is a specialized e-commerce platform, with a variety of features for building a successful e-commerce store. In particular:

  1. E-commerce features: Magento is in many way tailored for the needs of e-commerce shops of any type and any scale. In particular, Magento offers powerful catalog management tools, advanced pricing options, flexible shipping and payment methods, robust marketing and promotion tools, and integrated analytics and reporting capabilities.
  2. Performance and speed: Magento offers a series of features for optimizing the performance and speed of your e-commerce store, so you can deliver the best shopping experience to your customers. Magento implements caching mechanisms, database optimization techniques, and performance-tuning options. All this contributes to minimizing page load times and handling high traffic volumes efficiently.
  3. Security: Security is a top concern for website owners, especially for e-commerce site owners since they take responsibility for the integrity of the sensitive information of their clients. The creators of Magento took this into consideration, adding numerous security features to Magento. These include data encryption, secure payment gateways, user authentication, and regular security patches and updates, and many more.


This has been the review of 4 major CMS – WordPress, Joomla, Modx, and Magento and why you can opt for any of those in 2024. As you see, generally each of the CMSs discussed is a decent option that has an extensive community of users and developers. To opt for the optimal one, you should weigh up the specificity of your website and your priorities in its development.

We hope that this article has clarified for you what each of the content management systems discussed has to offer and which one can be the optimal option for your website.

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